To Ice or not to Ice?

Should you use ice at all?

For years, we have been taught to put ice on inflamed areas. I bought into that, however, I have had a rethink and believe that it is a mistake. One of the ironies regarding ice use is that we insist that people who have sprained something immediately ice the area. The body swells, we ice. We then dash the person off to casualty and there, the patient gets given an anti-inflammatory injection.  So up to now, we have done all that we know to reduce inflammation. After an x-ray, the doctor walks in and explains that the joint needs to be immobilized so that it can mend itself.  Guess what, before the ice and before the anti-inflammatory the body was trying to immobilize the area by allowing it to swell. It knew what to do from the get-go.

ice shoulder

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Sometimes your shoulders hurt because of your neck.

A look at the SCM (Sternocleidomastoid) muscle.

Everything in the body is connected.When people are in pain, the key  is to not think locally, but to think globally. We live in a world where a slowdown in China reverberates economically to the rest of the world. Your body works in the same way- something starts pulling, and a structure somewhere else starts to take strain. Don’t think locally, think globally – That’s true for economics and for anatomy.

With this truth in mind, we need to look at the Sternocleidomastoid muscle. Try to say that a few times in a row. (In fact, say Sternocleidomastoid even once, and you are doing well. Hence the abbreviation, SCM.)

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Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Failure to Launch.

The same thing happens every year. A mass event has just taken place such as the:
– Comrades Marathon
– 94.7 Cycle Challenge
– Ironman, Full or 70.3
– Midmar Mile
– ________________ (insert another event here).

On the Monday following the above event, someone at work swings back on their chair, sniffs once, and announces that they will be doing the above event next year. Someone in the office, will in amazement, say something like this; “I didn’t know that you are a swimmer/cyclist/runner!” To which our intrepid athlete will say something like this, “Yip, I was really fast in High School”.  Continue reading

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The Importance of Mountain Climbers.

Why you should be doing Mountain Climbers.

We live in an age of high pressure, minimal spare time and quick fixes. So, if I had time to do just one exercise to augment my swimming and/or cycling and/or running, it would be this – Mountain Climbers. I have posted a video on Youtube that details my workout.

With the video in mind, I want to write about some of the benefits of mountain climbers.

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The damage you do when you sit too much.

I wrote a blog called Sitting is the New Smoking a while ago. I want to add to some of those thoughts with this blog.

The reason for my interest in this subject is that I deal with many athletes on a daily basis. These are people who love training. However, despite their discipline and effort, many battle with issues caused by too much sitting. Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running | Tagged dry needling, , , , , , , , sitting, , | 2 Comments

Injury Recovery and Einstein.

I have the privilege of seeing athletes every day of my life. By using the word, ‘athlete’, I mean anyone who exercises on a regular basis – weight, age, and fitness levels do not figure in my definition of the word athlete. I also get to meet with would be athletes. These are people who have decided to make a lifestyle change. They might come into buy a pair of running shoes, or for a runner’s leg assessment or for a bike setup. They simply want to start well. Continue reading

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Why I love Cycling.

I started cycling as a kid. I think I was about 7 years old when I got my first ‘proper’ bike. I grew up in a block of flats, and used to ride the bike around and around the car park for hours every day. The fact that the scenery never changed was fine – I was on my bike and the magic of that was enough to keep me going back for more.

I then got a racing bike in High School. It was a Peugeot with the gear shifters on the down tube ( I think it was a 7 x 2 speed). Continue reading

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Brooks Ghost 8 Shoe Review.

A look at one of the best shoes to come out in awhile.

Hope it’s helpful.

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Why I love Running.

I started running at 15 years old. I turned 50 recently, so that calculated to 35 years of running. Here are some of the reasons I love running: Continue reading

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What I love about Swimming.

This is the first part of a three-part blog on what I love about swimming, biking and running. We have had a number of people in here that have pondered about what the letters ‘ SBR’, stand for in our name, SBR Sport. Triathletes will know that they stand for the three tri disciplines of Swim – Bike – Run. I happen to love all three disciplines, and so it’s time for me to record what I love about them.
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