Category Archives: Inspiration.

Training – Plans and Principles.

I think we are agreed on this: Exercise is vital. Johnathan Shaw writes the following in the Harvard Magazine –

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Running and Longevity.

There have been several studies on running and longevity. The studies all point to the fact that physical exercise generally lengthens people lives. One of the leading lights in this field is Dr. Peter Schnohr, who has published several studies … Continue reading

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Posture and Emotion.

Posture and emotion are connected. Together they form the link that makes up your body language. Cross your arms when in a group and you could be sending out a message that you are closed to that group or on … Continue reading

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Exercise and your Health – It’s Time to get Moving.

A new medical report came out this week, looking at the link between exercise and your health. It has some really important points on overall health and exercise, so I thought I would distil the pertinent points. The report is … Continue reading

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“They are all the same” – a humorous look at runners.

One of the quickest ways of destroying your reputation on social media or is to pick on a group of people and generalize them with the following statement, “They are all the same”. So, with that in mind, here is … Continue reading

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Failure to Launch.

The same thing happens every year. A mass event has just taken place such as the: – Comrades Marathon – 94.7 Cycle Challenge – Ironman, Full or 70.3 – Midmar Mile – ________________ (insert another event here). On the Monday … Continue reading

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The Importance of Mountain Climbers.

Why you should be doing Mountain Climbers. We live in an age of high pressure, minimal spare time and quick fixes. So, if I had time to do just one exercise to augment my swimming and/or cycling and/or running, it … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Inspiration., Running | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Injury Recovery and Einstein.

I have the privilege of seeing athletes every day of my life. By using the word, ‘athlete’, I mean anyone who exercises on a regular basis – weight, age, and fitness levels do not figure in my definition of the … Continue reading

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Why I love Cycling.

I started cycling as a kid. I think I was about 7 years old when I got my first ‘proper’ bike. I grew up in a block of flats, and used to ride the bike around and around the car … Continue reading

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Why I love Running.

I started running at 15 years old. I turned 50 recently, so that calculated to 35 years of running. Here are some of the reasons I love running:

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