Category Archives: Cycling & Bike Setup.

Telkom 94.7 Cycle Challenge Nutrition Tips.

The Telkom 94.7 Cycle Challenge is around the corner.  Here are some of my TOP NUTRITIONAL TIPS for race day. Fluids: The hot November conditions, makes this race a challenge due to the heat, dryness and often warm winds.  Preventing … Continue reading

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Know your Muscles Series – Levator Scapulae.

The name, Levator Scapulae, says it all:  Levare – to lift, and Scapulae – shoulder blades. These are Latin terms. The two muscles originate from C1 to C4, which are the first four vertebrae counting from the base of your … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , levator scapulae, , , | Comments Off on Know your Muscles Series – Levator Scapulae.

3 Habits that can contribute to ITB injuries.

This video includes three habits that can contribute to ITB injuries. I look at 3 postural habits that you can fall into while Sitting, Standing & Sleeping. The video takes less than 3 minutes to watch. You can read more … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged habits, , , , , , | Comments Off on 3 Habits that can contribute to ITB injuries.

A look at two muscles that move your shoulder blade.

The rhomboids and serratus anterior. Muscles can only contract. They, therefore, need an antagonist to restore a joint to its original position. With that in mind, let’s look at two muscles that impact your shoulder blades, your rhomboids and your … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running, Swimming., Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on A look at two muscles that move your shoulder blade.

Sometimes your shoulders hurt because of your neck.

A look at the SCM (Sternocleidomastoid) muscle. Everything in the body is connected.When people are in pain, the key  is to not think locally, but to think globally. We live in a world where a slowdown in China reverberates economically … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Importance of Mountain Climbers.

Why you should be doing Mountain Climbers. We live in an age of high pressure, minimal spare time and quick fixes. So, if I had time to do just one exercise to augment my swimming and/or cycling and/or running, it … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Inspiration., Running | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

The damage you do when you sit too much.

I wrote a blog called Sitting is the New Smoking a while ago. I want to add to some of those thoughts with this blog. The reason for my interest in this subject is that I deal with many athletes … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running | Tagged dry needling, , , , , , , , sitting, , | 2 Comments

Why I love Cycling.

I started cycling as a kid. I think I was about 7 years old when I got my first ‘proper’ bike. I grew up in a block of flats, and used to ride the bike around and around the car … Continue reading

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Happy & Healthy Hips.

It’s all in the Hips. Elvis knew it, and it’s time that we learn it too: it’s all in the hips.  If you take the body in ‘machine’ terms, you have 4 main sections, they are your: Head  – computer. … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running, Swimming., Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , Quadratus lumborum | Comments Off on Happy & Healthy Hips.

Heart Rate Training 2 – Be like Ed.

So, you have read Heart Rate Training – part 1. If you haven’t just click on the highlighted section now. Now let’s unpack the the Yin/Yang – Hard/Easy concept. Runners who do not understand their heart rates will often run … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Inspiration., Running | Tagged , , hard runs, , , , | 3 Comments