Tag Archives: injury.

The Notorious Sartorius Muscle – Know your Muscles series.

The Sartorius muscle is the longest muscle in the body. It’s also one of the most interesting. This article serves two purposes. Firstly – to give you a better understanding of your body. Secondly – for people experiencing pain in … Continue reading

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Failure to Launch.

The same thing happens every year. A mass event has just taken place such as the: – Comrades Marathon – 94.7 Cycle Challenge – Ironman, Full or 70.3 – Midmar Mile – ________________ (insert another event here). On the Monday … Continue reading

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Injury Recovery and Einstein.

I have the privilege of seeing athletes every day of my life. By using the word, ‘athlete’, I mean anyone who exercises on a regular basis – weight, age, and fitness levels do not figure in my definition of the … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Inspiration. | Tagged , , , goals, , , | 1 Comment

Why I love Running.

I started running at 15 years old. I turned 50 recently, so that calculated to 35 years of running. Here are some of the reasons I love running:

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Heart Rate Training 2 – Be like Ed.

So, you have read Heart Rate Training – part 1. If you haven’t just click on the highlighted section now. Now let’s unpack the the Yin/Yang – Hard/Easy concept. Runners who do not understand their heart rates will often run … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Inspiration., Running | Tagged , , hard runs, , , , | 3 Comments

Heart Rate Training – Part 1.

I want to spend time looking at the importance of heart rate training. Your heart rate is an insight as to what is happening in your body. A low resting heart rate indicates fitness, a higher than normal resting heart … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Running, Triathlon | Tagged fat, glycogen, , , heart rate training, , | 3 Comments

The Mighty Psoas.

Your psoas muscle plays an incredibly important role. It is a hidden muscle tucked behind your abdomen and so it is a bit more difficult to envisage than other muscles that you can see and palpate. There are a number … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , , , Run., , , | 4 Comments

High Hamstring Tendinopathy Injuries.

Push your leg backwards so that the movement happens from the hip – among other muscles, your hamstrings are now in action. Now, with your knee hanging down, pull your foot up toward your glutes – your hamstrings are in … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Running, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Achilles Tendinosis.

In Greek mythology, Achilles was the Greek hero of the Trojan War, and the central character of Homer’s Iliad. This seemingly indestructible warrior was brought down by Apollo, who managed to shoot an arrow into his achilles tendon. The story of Achilles is … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Running | Tagged , , eccentric, , , , , shoes, , tendon | 2 Comments

My Issues with the Mantra, “Train Insane or Remain the Same”.

I have the privilege of meeting with athletes of all fitness levels on a daily basis. It’s why I love what I do so much. From time to time, I come across a person who has bought into the belief … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Inspiration. | Tagged , no pain no gain, tired, train insane | Comments Off on My Issues with the Mantra, “Train Insane or Remain the Same”.