Tag Archives: swimming

Swimming, and why I believe you should do Tumble Turns.

There has been a debate on the go for ages as to whether triathletes should do tumble turns. I believe that all swimmers should, and here are my reasons: Tumble turns look cool. There is nothing as cool as walking … Continue reading

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Failure to Launch.

The same thing happens every year. A mass event has just taken place such as the: – Comrades Marathon – 94.7 Cycle Challenge – Ironman, Full or 70.3 – Midmar Mile – ________________ (insert another event here). On the Monday … Continue reading

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What I love about Swimming.

This is the first part of a three-part blog on what I love about swimming, biking and running. We have had a number of people in here that have pondered about what the letters ‘ SBR’, stand for in our … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration., Swimming. | Tagged 8 Mike Club, , Midmar, , , , , | Comments Off on What I love about Swimming.

Ten Anatomy Truths.

I get to meet with swimmers, cyclists and runners on a daily basis. I have sold shoes to 13 year olds, and helped 70 year olds. Here are a few things that I have learned. People in sport get injured … Continue reading

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Tired Quads, Strained Quads.

Look down at your legs when seated, and you are looking at your Quadricep muscles. Quad is Latin for 4, and so you have four muscles making up the group, namely: Rectus femoris Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis Vastus intermedius. These … Continue reading

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Getting your Shoulders to Soldier on.

Today’s challenge: Read the title five times as quickly as possible. If you get it right you can give yourself a tap on the soldier, sorry, shoulder. The shoulder is the most unstable joint in the human body. Compared to … Continue reading

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SBR Sport Swim Squad.

The SBR Sport Swim Squad has been running for the last 6 years with great success. The squad is aimed at getting people ready for open water events such the Midmar mile, Midmar 8 mile club, Sabrina love swim and … Continue reading

Posted in About SBR Sport, Swimming. | Tagged , free style, Midmar, , , , | 2 Comments

Open Water Swimming.

So, you are getting ready for your first open water swim. Your swim will either take place as a unique swim event, or as the first part of a triathlon. You are in for a few challenges. The good thing … Continue reading

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Exercise vs Depression.

There are a number of positive spin offs for people who exercise when it comes to good mental health. Let’s unpack some of these.  Exercise releases some really cool chemicals into your brain. When you exercise your brain releases natural … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration., Running | Tagged adrenaline, , endorphins., mental health, , | 3 Comments

Celebrate your successes.

If you are anything like me you might be inclined to overlook your successes. I have come to the conclusion that this is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. This thought dawned on me a few weeks ago. … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration. | Tagged cancer, , courage, , , squad., success, , , trans baviaans, two oceans | 7 Comments