Category Archives: Swimming.

The Notorious Sartorius Muscle – Know your Muscles series.

The Sartorius muscle is the longest muscle in the body. It’s also one of the most interesting. This article serves two purposes. Firstly – to give you a better understanding of your body. Secondly – for people experiencing pain in … Continue reading

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Swimming, and why I believe you should do Tumble Turns.

There has been a debate on the go for ages as to whether triathletes should do tumble turns. I believe that all swimmers should, and here are my reasons: Tumble turns look cool. There is nothing as cool as walking … Continue reading

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A look at two muscles that move your shoulder blade.

The rhomboids and serratus anterior. Muscles can only contract. They, therefore, need an antagonist to restore a joint to its original position. With that in mind, let’s look at two muscles that impact your shoulder blades, your rhomboids and your … Continue reading

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What I love about Swimming.

This is the first part of a three-part blog on what I love about swimming, biking and running. We have had a number of people in here that have pondered about what the letters ‘ SBR’, stand for in our … Continue reading

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Happy & Healthy Hips.

It’s all in the Hips. Elvis knew it, and it’s time that we learn it too: it’s all in the hips.  If you take the body in ‘machine’ terms, you have 4 main sections, they are your: Head  – computer. … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running, Swimming., Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , Quadratus lumborum | Comments Off on Happy & Healthy Hips.

My Midmar 8 Mile Report – 2016.

I managed to swim my 44th Midmar on Sunday, and completed my 5th time swimming for the 8 Mile club. Endurance sport gives you lots of time to think, so here are a few thoughts from the weekend. I really … Continue reading

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Keeping your Superficial Back Line flexible.

Everything is connected. In myofascial terms, you have a line of fascia that starts at the top of your eyes, runs over the head, down alongside your spine, through the buttocks, down the legs and ends under your feet. In fact, … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running, Swimming., Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

My Top 10 Swimming Tips.

We have a saying in our swim squad, and it goes like this, “If you fight the water, you will lose”. Swimming is all about grace, efficiency and glide. Here are some tips to get you going: Stretch your leading … Continue reading

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Understanding Heart Rate Zones.

I would encourage people training for a specific event to incorporate heart rate based training into their regime.  Without it, your training will tend to become one dimensional, you may train at a similar speed each run and never actually … Continue reading

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Treadmill vs Outside Running, Outdoor vs Indoor Cycling.

There are two reasons for this blog –  Winter is on its way, and so some will choose to train more indoors than outdoors in order to stay warmer. There are two major triathlons on their way at the end … Continue reading

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