Tag Archives: Muscle

Mike’s Important Injury Formula

The goal of this blog is to create a formula to help you better understand the causes of  injury. I love what I do. I get to work with athletes daily: some are fast, some slow, it doesn’t matter to … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File | Tagged , formula, , Mike’s Important Injury Formula, , training load | 1 Comment

Know your Muscles Series – Levator Scapulae.

The name, Levator Scapulae, says it all:  Levare – to lift, and Scapulae – shoulder blades. These are Latin terms. The two muscles originate from C1 to C4, which are the first four vertebrae counting from the base of your … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , levator scapulae, , , | Comments Off on Know your Muscles Series – Levator Scapulae.

The Notorious Sartorius Muscle – Know your Muscles series.

The Sartorius muscle is the longest muscle in the body. It’s also one of the most interesting. This article serves two purposes. Firstly – to give you a better understanding of your body. Secondly – for people experiencing pain in … Continue reading

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Protein – part 1 by guest blogger Nicola Drabble.

Protein is almost a buzz word in the sports world.  No matter which sport, I frequently get asked for a high protein diet to build muscle for strength and to lose fat. With all the information on the internet, media … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition | Tagged amino acids, , , | 2 Comments

Tired Quads, Strained Quads.

Look down at your legs when seated, and you are looking at your Quadricep muscles. Quad is Latin for 4, and so you have four muscles making up the group, namely: Rectus femoris Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis Vastus intermedius. These … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File | Tagged , kinesiology, leg massage, , , muscles of upper leg, quad strain, Quads, , | Comments Off on Tired Quads, Strained Quads.

Soleus – Know Your Muscles series.

Please note, this article is written to expand a lay person’s knowledge of their body. The better you understand your body as an athlete, the better you will be able to look after it. The soleus muscle lies behind the … Continue reading

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What is a Trigger Point?

Trigger points are areas of taught, hypercontracted bands or nodules within a muscle. They’re tender to touch and have a predicted pain referral pattern. They can feel like small bumps or like thin ropes placed together. The following is an example … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged Allergy, , message therapist sunninghill, , , Physio, Thyroid, | 1 Comment