Tag Archives: sleep

Taper Nutrition for Ironman – by Nicola Drabble.

Iron Man is just around the corner.  Although I’m not doing it, I will be down in PE supporting my fiancé Jonathan.  I feel like we have been eating, sleeping and breathing Iron Man since September and I have no … Continue reading

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3 Habits that can contribute to ITB injuries.

This video includes three habits that can contribute to ITB injuries. I look at 3 postural habits that you can fall into while Sitting, Standing & Sleeping. The video takes less than 3 minutes to watch. You can read more … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged habits, , , , , , | Comments Off on 3 Habits that can contribute to ITB injuries.

How to Recover from Endurance Events such as Comrades.

So, you have just taken your body way past its normal comfort zone. This article has been written at Comrades time yet it is applicable to those who have completed events such as half and full Ironman, Two Oceans, Transbaviaans … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, Running, Triathlon, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , food, glutamine, hydration, , , soft tissue massage, tired | 2 Comments

Getting Enought Sleep?

Got the feeling I might hit a bit of a nerve with this article. With our modern lifestyle, we have made it very difficult to switch off properly when we get home at night. Your cell phone has now made … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File | Tagged , high blood pressure, insomnia, , weight loss. | 5 Comments