Tag Archives: nutrition

Taper Nutrition for Ironman – by Nicola Drabble.

Iron Man is just around the corner.  Although I’m not doing it, I will be down in PE supporting my fiancé Jonathan.  I feel like we have been eating, sleeping and breathing Iron Man since September and I have no … Continue reading

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Telkom 94.7 Cycle Challenge Nutrition Tips.

The Telkom 94.7 Cycle Challenge is around the corner.  Here are some of my TOP NUTRITIONAL TIPS for race day. Fluids: The hot November conditions, makes this race a challenge due to the heat, dryness and often warm winds.  Preventing … Continue reading

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Nutrition – Micro Nutrient Requirements.

There is a common thought among athletes that taking vitamin and mineral supplements, will give more energy.  I find this especially true for Vitamin B and frequently hear athletes talking about going for weekly injections (you now require a prescription … Continue reading

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Fats and Fatty Acids – by guest blogger Nicola Drabble.

Fats and fatty acids are an essential component of the diet.  They provide the body energy, have essential structural, storage and metabolic functions and they help with the absorption of essential fatty acids and fat soluble vitamins A, D, E … Continue reading

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Carbohydrates – pt 1

Low carb, high protein, high fat, train low, compete high….the list is endless.  Not a day goes by in my practice that I don’t talk about importance and need for carbohydrates in a balanced diet.   Many athletes are confused about … Continue reading

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Running as a Vegetarian -By Esme’ Mare’ (Registered Dietitian)

It is definitely possible for vegetarian athletes to perform well, to be healthy and to have an injury risk no higher than that of omnivorous athletes by following a carefully planned diet containing the necessary nutrients that your body demands. … Continue reading

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The week before your big event.

With just one week before your big race, it is time to do a number of things that will enhance race day. You will now be scaling back on both distance and intensity of training. That means that your body … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Running, Swimming., Triathlon, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged coffee, , , racing, | 4 Comments

How to reach the finish line at the Buffalo City 70.3 – by guest blogger Richard Wright.

Just like any other major triathlon, Buffalo City 70.3 with its 3000 entrants will always make even the most seasoned triathlete weak at the knees early on race day. What follows is a take on how to approach the race … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration., Triathlon, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , Run., , weather | 7 Comments

Triathlon Questions.

Triathlon Questions. SWIM QUESTIONS. Should I wear a wetsuit? Generally for Sea Swims, Yes. A wet suit will also help keep you warm in cold water.   Do I have to wear the swim cap? Yes. The colour provided to each triathlete is … Continue reading

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Vitamin B and Exercise.

Vitamins are needed by your body in order to perform specific functions. I want to use this article to look at Vitamin B and its effect on your health. Vitamin B is used by the body to unlock fuel stored … Continue reading

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