Tag Archives: glute medius

Ten mistakes I see on a weekly basis – A look at what to do with an injury.

Each week at SBR is different, in that each person that we work with is unique, and yet, each week is the same, in that there are mistakes that I see being repeated on a regular basis when looking after people. … Continue reading

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Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome and Acupuncture.

I have written about Patella Femoral Pain Syndrome before, but I want to re-address the condition here, due to some really cool new insights. This is a brief video (2 min 51 sec) that will help you visualise the problem … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Running | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Pronation: Cause and effect.

Pronation: Cause and effect. Pronation is an inward turning of the ankle that takes place when a person runs or walks. The drawing below is of a person’s right foot. You can see how the foot drops inward- that is … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Running | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 4 Comments

A Look at your Ribs.

The next two blogs are going to be dedicated to the process of breathing. So, let’s kick off and look at your ribs. I want to keep this blog relatively simple, while bringing about an appreciation for your ribs. The basics. … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Running, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged breathing, , , lateral line, rectus abdominus, ribs | 1 Comment

The Quadratus Lumborum – know your muscles series.

The Quadratus Lumborum has its origin on the medial or inside part of the 12th rib. It inserts on the posterior crest of the ilium. If you put your hands on your hips,  your thumbs while resting on top of the … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Running | Tagged , , QL, Quadratus lumborum, spine | 2 Comments

Injuries, Kinetic Chains and Weakest Links

I want you to imagine a packer at a supermarket. In front of him is a trolley filled with tins of jam. His job is to lift each tin and place it on a shelf that is roughly at shoulder … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running, Swimming. | Tagged , , , , kinetic chain, , Quadratus lumborum, shin spints | Comments Off on Injuries, Kinetic Chains and Weakest Links

Planking and injury prevention.

We work with a number of runners, cyclists and swimmers. A number of them will pick up an injury at some stage or another. One of the most common causes for injuries is a weak core. The words, ‘Core muscles’ … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , , , planking, , , side plank | Comments Off on Planking and injury prevention.

Weak Glute Medius Muscles and a Chain Reaction.

A weak Glute Medius muscle will cause all sorts of problems. Here is why – Where is the Gluteus Medius Muscle? The muscle an upper anterior buttock muscle that originates from the section of the pelvic bone known as the … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Running | Tagged , Gluteus Medius, Hip hike, , , , massage therapist sunninghill, , , | 27 Comments