Tag Archives: muscles

A look at two muscles that move your shoulder blade.

The rhomboids and serratus anterior. Muscles can only contract. They, therefore, need an antagonist to restore a joint to its original position. With that in mind, let’s look at two muscles that impact your shoulder blades, your rhomboids and your … Continue reading

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The Suboccipitals – Don’t underestimate their importance.

The Suboccipitals are some of the most interesting muscles that you possess. This will give you an idea as to where they are placed: This is a deep layer group of muscles that lie underneath the trapezius insertions. Their purpose … Continue reading

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Muscles used in breathing.

The process of breathing is really complex and so it needs to be stated that we can only scratch the surface of this amazing mechanism. Lets look at some of the muscles that are involved in the process. I wrote … Continue reading

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Relaxation and Fitness.

All of life is about balance. Injuries take place when bodies get out of balance. Athletic and life burnout take place when we spend too much time in a state of tension. With regard to the previous point,tension is the … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration. | Tagged breath, fitness., mind, , relax, relaxation, , type A | Comments Off on Relaxation and Fitness.

Know your muscles – Hamstrings.

Where are your hamstrings, and what do they do? Your hamstrings are found on the back of the upper leg. They are used to pull your foot toward your gluteus maximus, or ‘butt’, in easier to understand terms. They cross … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , kinesiology, , , muscles leg, , strain | 2 Comments

Injuries, Kinetic Chains and Weakest Links

I want you to imagine a packer at a supermarket. In front of him is a trolley filled with tins of jam. His job is to lift each tin and place it on a shelf that is roughly at shoulder … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File, Running, Swimming. | Tagged , , , , kinetic chain, , Quadratus lumborum, shin spints | Comments Off on Injuries, Kinetic Chains and Weakest Links

Sitting is the New Smoking.

A number of years ago, the quest was on to design the perfect office chair. This gave rise to massive amounts of research going into finding how best to support the butt and back as people sit. The dream was … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Inspiration., Trigger Points & Massage, Uncategorized | Tagged brugger, cogs, diabetes, dvt, , lower back strain, , , sitting, , spine, standup desk | 3 Comments

Kinesiology Tape – rehab tool.

At some stage you would have seen an athlete with kinesiology tape on. The tape was developed by Japanese Chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase 25 years ago. This begs the question, just what does it do? The tape is placed over … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , , recovery., tape | 4 Comments


There is a school of thought that says that stretching is bad for you. I disagree. Just when should you stretch? The best time is after a workout. Your muscles and tendons are warm and will benefit more from the … Continue reading

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