Tag Archives: cycling

Know your Muscles Series – Levator Scapulae.

The name, Levator Scapulae, says it all:  Levare – to lift, and Scapulae – shoulder blades. These are Latin terms. The two muscles originate from C1 to C4, which are the first four vertebrae counting from the base of your … Continue reading

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Failure to Launch.

The same thing happens every year. A mass event has just taken place such as the: – Comrades Marathon – 94.7 Cycle Challenge – Ironman, Full or 70.3 – Midmar Mile – ________________ (insert another event here). On the Monday … Continue reading

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Why I love Cycling.

I started cycling as a kid. I think I was about 7 years old when I got my first ‘proper’ bike. I grew up in a block of flats, and used to ride the bike around and around the car … Continue reading

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Cleat Setup Pointers.

One of the biggest issues facing cycling shops is that of cleat positioning during bike setups. Here are the four most common trends that I see: – The bike shop sells you the shoes and cleats and expects you to … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Injury File | Tagged cleat, , , Mortons neuroma, pes anserine, , valgus, varus | Comments Off on Cleat Setup Pointers.

Breathing on the run or ride.

This might seem a bit weird to write an article on breathing when running or cycling, but if you stay with me for a moment, you will realize that the subject is not so strange at all.  A lot has been written … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Running | Tagged asthma, belly, breathing, , energy, lungs, oxygen, , | Comments Off on Breathing on the run or ride.

Staying Safe while Riding and Running.

Get your direction right. –       Cyclists ride in the same direction as cars. –       Runners run facing the traffic. Should you wear headphones? –       Not if you are riding. Remember that cars will be coming up from behind you. Your … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Running | Tagged bright, , , , safety, sweatsafe | Comments Off on Staying Safe while Riding and Running.

Tired Quads, Strained Quads.

Look down at your legs when seated, and you are looking at your Quadricep muscles. Quad is Latin for 4, and so you have four muscles making up the group, namely: Rectus femoris Vastus medialis Vastus lateralis Vastus intermedius. These … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File | Tagged , kinesiology, leg massage, , , muscles of upper leg, quad strain, Quads, , | Comments Off on Tired Quads, Strained Quads.

947 Cycle Challenge. 11 tips to a quicker race.

Training ideas. Publishing a training program is out of the scope of this blog. However there are a few things that you should be doing. – you need to get in a few long rides. For some, a 100 km … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Inspiration. | Tagged 947, 947 cycle challenge, bit setup, , , helmet, johannesburg, puncture, service | Comments Off on 947 Cycle Challenge. 11 tips to a quicker race.

Know your muscles – Hamstrings.

Where are your hamstrings, and what do they do? Your hamstrings are found on the back of the upper leg. They are used to pull your foot toward your gluteus maximus, or ‘butt’, in easier to understand terms. They cross … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , , kinesiology, , , muscles leg, , strain | 2 Comments

How to climb a hill on a bike.

Last week we looked at how to climb a hill while running. This week we are going to look at the same topic, except on a bike. The lighter you and your bike, the better. Uphill cycling favours the light. … Continue reading

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