Category Archives: Triathlon

Running and Blisters

Captain Haddock of Tintin fame might have shouted, “Blistering Barnacles!”, but we have come across a number of runners who have shouted out, “Blistering blisters!”. The small ones can cause a bit of discomfort, the big ones, however, can destroy … Continue reading

Posted in Injury File, Running, Triathlon | Tagged blisters, diabetes, , , | Comments Off on Running and Blisters

Team SBR Sport

We recently announced that we have decided to open a Triathlon club, called “Team SBR Sport”. We will introduce two training schedules, an intermediate program and a more advanced one. Fees: There will be an initial joining fee of R … Continue reading

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How to Recover from Endurance Events such as Comrades.

So, you have just taken your body way past its normal comfort zone. This article has been written at Comrades time yet it is applicable to those who have completed events such as half and full Ironman, Two Oceans, Transbaviaans … Continue reading

Posted in Nutrition, Running, Triathlon, Trigger Points & Massage | Tagged , food, glutamine, hydration, , , soft tissue massage, tired | 2 Comments

Team SBR Sport in association with “Doing it Wright”.

We have decided to open a Triathlon club, called “Team SBR Sport”. The reasons for this are as follows: We feel that as a shop we now have the infrastructure to begin one. We have been approached by many people … Continue reading

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Ironman, the shared experience – by guest blogger Richard Wright.

The year was 2011, and I had entered IronmanSouthAfrica with the hopes of winning my age category. Fate changed that. Fate also taught me about another Ironman, one I never knew existed. 4 Weeks before race day, I decided to … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration., Triathlon | Tagged , , , Run., smile., | Comments Off on Ironman, the shared experience – by guest blogger Richard Wright.

How to race Ironman South Africa – by guest blogger Richard Wright.

Whether you are aiming for your first finisher’s medal, a PB (Personal Best), or an age-group podium place, I can guarantee that an ironman event will both test you and stretch you to your limits. The hardships that you face … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration., Triathlon | Tagged , , pb, race, Run., | 6 Comments

It’s ok to greet each other.

I am involved in all three triathlon sports, namely: swim, bike & run. As a runner and cyclist I regularly see other people on the road as they train. I started running in the 80’s and it was drummed into us as … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration., Running, Triathlon | Tagged asthma, , diabetes, , smile., | 11 Comments

How to reach the finish line at the Buffalo City 70.3 – by guest blogger Richard Wright.

Just like any other major triathlon, Buffalo City 70.3 with its 3000 entrants will always make even the most seasoned triathlete weak at the knees early on race day. What follows is a take on how to approach the race … Continue reading

Posted in Inspiration., Triathlon, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , Run., , weather | 7 Comments

Felt B16 and B12 Review.

Felt has undoubtedly two of the best quality and best priced time trial bikes on the market at present. Here are some of my impressions. Felt B 16          The Felt B 16 sells for well under R 16 999.00  It … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Product Review, Triathlon | Tagged , Felt B12, Felt b16, | Comments Off on Felt B16 and B12 Review.

Tips to staying safe during the Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge (or any other cycle race.)

On Sunday, thousands of cyclists will be taking to the streets of Johannesburg to race the Telkom 947 Cycle Challenge. Here are some tips that hopefully will keep both you and those riding around you safe. 1) Realize that because … Continue reading

Posted in Cycling & Bike Setup., Inspiration., Triathlon | Tagged 94.7, cycle challenge, , safety, sand and glass | 1 Comment