How to prevent overtraining.

How to prevent overtraining.

  1. Read the previous article so that you are better able to recognise the symptoms involved.
  2. Keep a training diary.  In your diary, you can record details such as your resting heart rate when you wake up in the morning, and also of how you feel both on the whole, and during your training session. More on this just now.
  3. Train systematically. You need to train with some sort of a plan. Plans can be downloaded from the internet-some come free of charge; others need to be paid for. You can also look at getting a coach who will write a program specifically for you. A properly written program will prevent you from suddenly increasing mileage. Runners need to be really careful with regard to this. The body does not cope with sudden increases.
  4. Make sure that you are eating and drinking enough. Not putting enough fuel into your system will be detrimental. Also make sure that you are drinking enough. Your urine should be almost clear.
  5. Plan some rest period during the year. For a number of athletes, the word rest is like a tired dogswear word. There should be times when you take a week or so off, with absolutely no exercise. There also should be times when you swim, bike and/or run at a comfortable pace for a reduced amount of time. You need to have fun times built into your programme or you will burn out at some stage.

How to recover properly.

  1. You need to get carbs and protein into your system as soon as possible after a training session. There are a number of products made specifically for this purpose.
  2. Lie down after a training session and elevate your legs. Your lymph system will help to drain impurities that have built up in your legs.
  3. Stretch those tired muscles. A couple of things about stretching.
    – It’s better to stretch a warm muscle than a cold muscle.
    – Stretch slowly.
    – Take yourself to a pain threshold of 5/10. Over stretching a muscle is a bad idea.
  4. Go for regular massages. A soft, unknotted muscle is far more efficient than a knotted and tight muscle. triathlete
  5. Keep a training diary and work to a set plan. It’s so easy to forget all the hard work that
    you have done and as a result begin to panic and lay down more and more hours until you fall apart. Get a plan, stick to it as best as you can and enjoy the process. Your plan must include rest days and weeks where the pressure is taken off. You cannot build without allowing your body time to consolidate.

Here’s to you, training and racing refreshed.




About sbrsport

SBR Sport specialises in Swimming, Biking and Running. On the medical side we are able to do intensive bike setups, leg assessments and soft tissue release. - and/or facebook -
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