Our Big Move.

In August we will celebrate our fifth year at our current premises. On 1 September we will be moving. We will stay on at Sunninghill Village but will be moving upstairs from where we are currently.

The reason for the move are as follows: focus 1

Over the last few years we have seen a dramatic increase in the following key areas:
– Runners Leg Assessments.
– Massages.
– Bike setups.
– Training Programs.
– Bike repairs.
– Swim squad.

The upstairs space will allow us to move more into those services and away from a retail emphasis. We will still stock running shoes, a full complement of spares and some other key products.

Being upstairs will also allow us greater time flexibility, so that I will be able to pop out during the day and help people with their swimming etc.

We really want to move the business to an appointment based business. This has been a trend that we have been busy with for the last year or so. focus 2

So, please keep following us on Facebook and Twitter. Please keep telling your friends and family about us.

We have until 1 September to sell off a number of peripheral things that we will not be stocking upstairs. Keep an eye open for some really cool specials.

In summary, we want to do more of what we feel we do really well. You can look forward to more blogs, a bit of a logo change, a better performing website and greater focus than ever before.

We have said for years that we have the coolest customers on the planet. We can’t wait to see you upstairs.


Mike Roscoe,
Mike Roscoe

About sbrsport

SBR Sport specialises in Swimming, Biking and Running. On the medical side we are able to do intensive bike setups, leg assessments and soft tissue release. - www.twitter.com/swimbikerunshop and/or facebook - www.facebook.com/sbrsport.
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